Thursday, June 21, 2007

God told me to post this comment

Why is it that when people "discover religion" they always say "God spoke to me..." Why do religious people think so little of themselves that they can't have a conscience or thoughts of their own that tell them what's right and wrong? Humans are supposed to have that ability. In the June 4, 2007 publication of the New Yorker, Tom DeLay says, "God has spoken to me...I listen to God, and what I've heard is that I'm supposed to devote myself to rebuilding the conservative base of the Republican Party, and I think we shouldn't be underestimated." Are you kidding?! What God, if it COULD actually speak, would give someone political advice? It's absolutely ridiculous!

What Part of 'Separation of Church and State' Do You Not Understand?,CST-NWS-obama21.article
"Obama's liberal church under the microscope..."

I am so sick and tired of hearing about politicians' religious views. That is NONE of our business. It is so irrelevant it just irks me to no end. There was a televised special after the debates interviewing the candidates about their views on god, evolution, etc. It's sickening and the candidates are put in a no-win situation, and that is no fault of their own. Being "spiritual", believing in god, or having the same views as you does not make someone a better person.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"Bush Vetoes Stem Cell Bill"
"WASHINGTON, June 20 — President Bush vetoed a measure promoting embryonic stem cell research today, as he had promised to do, declaring that the bill would have disregarded the sanctity of human life..."

With every day that goes by, it's harder and harder not to be a hardened cynic...disregard the sanctity of life? That is SO ass-backwards. The disregard for the sanctity of life is letting sick people die when they could possibly be's completely hypocritical: save fetuses so that once they're old enough to appreciate being alive, they are destroyed? Die early, or die later...either way it's a disregard. Not only that, but when someone like Kevorkian has some empathy and cares about how people feel...HE is sent to prison.If Bush was diagnosed with a disease (other than sheer ignorance), how soon do you think he'd change his mind about stem cell research crossing a moral line?

It's impossible not to get frustrated and just plain sad! Any suggestions??