Monday, January 14, 2008


The presidential speechwriters should go on strike. This is not because I know of any particular injustice they're suffering or anything, but although I feel bad that the writers for Conan and Leno and Letterman, etc are not getting what they deserve, it's making me actually want to watch the shows again. It was embarrassingly late that I realized these people even HAD writers; I was naive enough to think that they wrote it all themselves. Duh. But I find them much funnier when they are left to their own devices. The same is true for presidential candidates; it took me a long time to realize THEY didn't write their own speeches. I think they should; then we'd have a much better idea of what we were actually going to get. Also, IF anyone reads this, does anyone know a good resource for getting past all the dumbing-down and b.s. of the candidates' speeches and finding details of HOW the candidates are going to do all the stuff they're talking about doing? Is it naive to think there is such a place?

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